Peace Revolution:

An interview of J. Frederick Arment, author and founder of International Cities of Peace, will be a featured 3-part story in the Sept., Oct. and Nov. issues of Hearfuness Magazine. Heartfulness Centers, trainers of the the Heartfulness meditation practice, are in 160 locations around the globe. Two Centers, one in Cleveland, one in Beavercreek, Ohio have already been instrumental in establishing their community partnerships as International Cities of Peace. More to come.

Arment’s interview this month is about his motivations and philosophy of peace, given as a tribute to the United Nations’ International Day of Peace. Your can read the first of three interviews this month. The links are below.

From the Heartfulness Magaine Editors:
Dear readers,
This month we celebrate peace. With International Day of Peace on September 21, every year more and more people are waking up to the need to cultivate peace individually if we are to change the world.

Our contributing authors and artists include Daaji, Frederick Arment, Victor Kannan, Ichak Adizes, Fabio Kohler, Christine Prisland, Leslie Blair, Neelam Shivhare, Christian Macketanz, Hetty Zantman, Ramya Sriram, Santanu Chaterjee, Brigitte Smith, and Sara Bubber, and they share their perspectives on peace, including the idea that every one of us is working for peace in our own way. What do you do to bring peace into the lives of those around you? Please share your stories with us at

Happy reading,
The editors, Heartfulness Magazine


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